Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cigars are Cigar-Shaped

While tracing a cigar today in Illustrator, I realized that cigar-shaped refers not only to the shape of UFOs, but also to cigars.  The world is full of wonders.
Turns out the term "cigar-shaped" might be a little more ambiguous than first expected.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


The blog is a fundamentally dishonest medium.  In the same way that reality TV can never really be reality the fact that a blog is infinitely editable render all blog posts innately dishonest.  Way around this: do not strive for honesty.  How to accomplish this: irony, or, being sincere with your dishonestness. 
This is the first image that comes up when
"honesty" is Google-Image searched.

This is a post.

This is a new post, but I don't like serifs so I'm not going to post in times new roman. That's better, good old Arial, much more efficient than all those wasteful serifs.  The irony is that arial is bigger and therefore more wasteful generally, but I suppose space on the internet isn't really at a premium, so I can go on and on and you have to read it.  Blog-out.